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Blast from the past sucked into the present…

…by the power of HTML5 Canvas & Javascript. So I succumbed and coded my first retro-remake. The Insignificant Demo is recreated! If you compare it to the original you should find it to be almost identical, unsurprising since I had access to the the original code, though not the source assets; that part did involve […]



Here’s one of the little projects I’ve been working on in order to learn some Javascript skills. Still needs work, but overall working reasonably well ( I have it running as a screensaver using the Websaver OS X app and that’s actually very cool ). I’d like to give a little shout-out to […]

Old sceners never die, they just learn Javascript & HTML Canvas!

I ran across the new oldschool browser based scene a few weeks back, and there’s some pretty nice stuff out there. The main thrust of this is to be found at the We Are Back web site. The most recent notable being a conversion of the classic Whattaheck demo. I might have a go myself, […]

The site is back up!

Had a bit of an issue with the MySQL server being upgraded; I was warned it was going to happen, but I was busy. Still I’ve migrated the database and updated php and rolled over to the latest version of WordPress now, and hopefully it’s all working fine again. Phew!